Term 4 Physical Education

WALT practise our ball skills.

Student Voice - "I can throw,catch and kick this ball".

Te Reo Term 4

WALT speak Te Reo and use Maori phrases.

Student Voice " I like learning a Maori sentence at Assembly each week then practising it in our classroom". 

Discovery Term 4

WALT use the key competencies.
Student Voice - I got the badge for being a great thinker at Discovery".

Writing Term 3

WALT write a recount answering the questions what? who? when? why? where?

Yesterday we had a mini Commonwealth Games at Oaklands school. It was really fun. I liked it a lot.
My Mum watched me do it. My whole class took part. We did lots of different games. We did javelin, running and egg and spoon racing. We got lots of pozis.  My Mum had fun too.  I was really tired afterwards. My Mum was too. It was awesome!

Student Voice - I have written about something that has already happened. I have answered what? who? when? where?

Maths Term 3 ( Other strands)

WALT order and compare objects or events by length  by direct comparison using a gingerbread man shape.

Student voice " I can use a gingerbread man shape to compare the height of two objects".

Discovery Term 3

WALT use our key competencies.

Student Voice " I am good at participating in Discovery activities because I am really good at making things".

Reading Term 3

WALT know our blends.
SUCCESS CRITERIA I know what sound  two letters together like br  make.

Numeracy Term 2

WALT do subtraction using tidy numbers.
SUCCESS CRITERIA - I can change one number to a tidy number (a number ending with a zero)
Subtraction using tidy numbers 

Writing Term 2

WALT write a recount.
SUCCESS CRITERIA - We will have written about something that has already happened and we will have  events in the correct order.

We went to Big River last Saturday and Sunday, We had lots of fun. We went hunting on Sunday. We did not see anything. In the morning the truck brakes froze. We followed a track that went to a shunter that pulled people up and down the mine. The mine is 109 years old. It is really rough riding up there. It's 15km of roughness and really bumpy. 

Student Voice " I have written about a hunting trip that I have already been on". 

Discovery Term 2


Art Term 2

Today with Mr Shaskey we learned about sketching and drawing. We learned to set the limits, draw the outline and then add the shapes.

We can follow instructions and sketch some fruit and vegetables


WALT write a recount that is about something that has already happened. I need to start with a capital letter and end with a fullstop.

Yesterday I went fishing and I caught a little rainbow trout. We caught it with a hook and a worm. It was really really fun.

Student voice " I have written my story about going fishing. I have already done it so the story is called a recount".


Art Term 1 2014

I am learning to: sketch and paint. 
I can do this when I can: use drawing techniques, mix colours, use different painting strokes and outline a painting.